
Ayurvedic Herbs the Ingredients of Health

Ayurveda as we know is a way of life having its root in ancient India. Although in the post-chemical era Ayurveda has gained most of its popularity as a naturalistic medical science. People these days are moving away from chemical medicationsince they cause irreversible harm to the human body with a variety of side effects. What makes the Ayurvedic medication so effective are the amazing Herbs they are manufactures from. Most of the Ayurvedic Herbs can be consumed directly and are extremely effective in improving the immune response of the body and in curing pre-existing conditions. For example:

  1. Ashwagandha (WithaniaSomnifera) is an adaptogen that helps the body in lowering stress and anxiety. It also aids in enhancingimmunity, muscle growth, memory, and male fertility while lowering blood sugar levels. This small woody plant is native to India and North Africa.
  2. Boswellia, also known as Indian frankincense or olibanum. It is an anti-inflammatory herb, which is extremely effective in reducing pain, improving mobility, and a greater range of movement among people with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. It also improves oral health, digestive system, and breathing capacity among people with asthma.
  3. Holy Basil: It is also known as Tulsi. Tulsi is considered one of the best Ayurvedic herbs since it hosts a multitude of healing abilities. Holy Basil can heal almost any form of health issue thus it is considered sacred in the Oriental culture.
  4. Triphala: (Amla, Bibhitaki, Haritaki): Triphala is a combined Ayurvedic remedy that contains, Amla, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki. This super effective mixture helps with Arthritic pain, and also stops the growth of certain types of cancer. Since Triphala acts as a natural laxative it cleanses the body from inside, reducing constipation and improving digestion.
  5. Brahmi: Brahmi or Bacopa monieri is another Ayurvedic herb that is extremely versatile. Apart from having a strong Anti-inflammatory response it enhances the memory retention abilities, improves learning rate, focus, and information processing. It is extremely beneficial especially for people with ADHD. Additional studies have also found that it also decreases stress and anxiety issues.

These are some of the most common herbs used in the manufacturing of Ayurvedic medication and decoctions. Apart from these some other important herbs and spices such as Cumin, Turmeric, Licorice root, Gotu Kola, Bitter Melon, Cardamomare also used. The specialty of Ayurvedic medication is that it is a curative solution and improves the overall health of the consumer, and this special property of Ayurveda is derived from these versatile herbs and spices. These herbs can also be used in simple Ayurvedic decoction recipes at home.

We farm all these Herbs in our Ayurveda in Canada, thus we can deliver to you freshly harvested Ayurvedic Herbs anywhere in the US and Canada. We also use these herbs to develop Ayurvedic oils which are extremely potent and can be used as massage oils or edible oils. We offer the most authentic Ayurvedic oils in the Canadian and US market.
