
Ayurveda – The Journey So Far

Ayurveda – a 5000-year-old system that originated in India has seen a boom in the recent past. Ayurveda – a combination of two words “Ayur” means life and “Ved” means wisdom, basically defines how to utilize the knowledge of nature and create more balance in life to make oneself happy.

It is said, and is true too, that whatever that exists outside our bodies, exists inside too – for example water, wind, fire, and even the space. And the whole premise of healing is “like increases like” and the “opposites balance”. For example, if a person with pitta imbalance consumes food that is pitta-increasing in nature, like peppers, the diseases will get worse.

It stands strong on the 3 fundamental energies – Doshas. Doshas are further divided into Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Each one of them is governing a separate body system. So, it identifies the differences among the individuals and the treatments are suggested accordingly.

Ayurveda became a trusted practice and is now more than just a practice and is known as a balance between body and mind. In order to stay healthy, a strong balance between mental, spiritual, emotional & physical being is extremely crucial.

Some Misconceptions about Ayurveda:

  1. You must eat all Indian food for living an Ayurvedic lifestyle: No! If you eat which is best in quality and the food you should be eating as per the season, you are good at leading the ayurvedic lifestyle.
  2. Ayurveda is for Indians: Ayurveda is now known to almost every other person in the universe and its knowledge is beneficial to each one us.
  3. People leading ayurvedic lifestyle are all vegetarians: Not necessarily. Meat is being used in Ayurveda medicinally.
    Hence, Ayurveda is a form of healing focusing on treating the root cause of the disease rather than diminishing the symptoms temporarily.
    How it evolved in Canada – Ayurveda in Canada:

AAC – Ayurveda Association of Canada was established in 2017 as a common voice for Ayurveda in Canada. Also, AAC has been supporting different groups promoting Ayurveda Canada, ayurvedic experts and practitioners. It was formed to empower the ayurvedic community and has trained several professionals to spread this wonderful science and has been doing it successfully.

Last piece of Advice:

If you want to lead a happy healthy life, know more and more about Ayurveda, increase the awareness and start eating good. Understand how it makes you feel and continue the journey for best results.
